Saturday, 19 October 2013


TW is a bit worried about Bracky, she thinks hes on his own a bit too much at the moment. I think he's just a bit hungry tbh. We all are, winter is on the way.

She bought me and Bot in first for a graze in the school and then felt guilty so went back for Brack. There's quite a bit of grass in the school. It was grand. TW says we are all looking great for mucky grubs.

Then it was tootsie time. I always stand nicely for the farrier , TW was very impressed. Then I decided to not stand nicely, pulled away, had a wrestle, stood in a water bucket, panicked , threw water all up the walls and broke the tub. Oh dear. I got lots of kisses from TW after that.

Still no riding. She was rushing off to do some house shite, plus she looks poorly I think. Loser.

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