Saturday, 23 November 2013

Snorty dragon

Jeez louise it's been a long time since I've posted. My bad. Well actually lets blame the fecking worrier.

Anyhoo, the weather is colder and we are all still part of the big gang which is grand. Today TW came and got me and Bot in the dark. How fecking long is it since I've been ridden JEEEZUS Christ.

Tack on and off we went, snorty snorty puff. We had a lovely stroll down the bridlepath. It's all good. It was bleddy cold though. Hopefully we can get going again at some point. Then I had to rest in bed while Botty had his go. Day off tomorrow I reckon but next week is another thing.

1 comment:

  1. Frankie are too quiet, sending you greeting for 2014! X
