Sunday, 5 August 2018

Did ya miss me?

Feck me it's 4 and a half years since I last blogged!! Where on earth has the time gone? TW binned off that scottish monkey and then I went to live with a lovely new mum, Bracky came with me for a bit but he went back to TW but I stayed put. TW kept my ipad! FFS!!

So I've been living the high life, treated like the true princess that I am but my mum is having a foal and we didn't like the yard we were on. So guess what!!? This morning bright and early TW only bleddy bowled up in a slightly new old box than last time I saw her and took me off to her new place! Feck me again!! I was so shocked (and pleasantly surprised as TW had mints!) that I got straight on the box and travelled wihtout a peep! I think everyone was surprised by that.

TW's new pad is in Derbyshire and it's mighty nice. Great views! Tommy and Bee were chuffed to see me, me well I acted a bit cool but tbh it was nice to see them too. There's loads of girls there too!! After a bit TW let me in the big field and we had a bit of a scuffle and me and Tombot had a race up and down to see who was the fastest. TW was mortified as my mum arrived mid scrap. Tombot has grown shit-loads since I last saw him and the fecker gave me a right crack to the hocks.  So I slunk off to the woods and he went to the shelter and we got a breathe back and rested.

Later on Brack came to see me and invited me over to the others which was nice of him. Silly old git. Think he's missed me.

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